Health and Hormones

A Divine Mercy Nutritional Care Podcast

Hello Friend,

I'm Rita

I’m Rita Johnson, daughter of God, wife to Ben, homeschooling mom of 6 amazing kiddos, and the owner of Divine Mercy Nutritional Care. I help women take their health back into their own hands using dietary changes, lifestyle and mindset work, and at home lab testing. 

Years ago, I struggled with my health. I felt worn out, exhausted, and like I couldn’t remember anything! My husband and I had 4 beautiful children but we longed to have another baby and that wasn’t happening either. I needed help to get my health figured out. I hopped around from one practitioner to another without any answers. I finally started diving into functional medicine and was able to get a little bit of help here, some clarity, or direction there. 

The practitioner that really helped me was 7 hours away from me and that was not sustainable. So the result was a long drawn out process. But finally things started to improve and I was able to understand my body and work with it instead of against it. This coupled with some deep mindset work and spiritual healing. I began to feel stronger and more energetic than I thought was possible. I started to dream again and a huge part of that dream was helping other women navigate their own health journeys. (Then we even went on to conceive baby number 5! And eventually 6!)

I strive to be a practitioner who not only helps others dive deeper into their own true healing but also gets them in touch with other practitioners who can help when I’m not the best fit.

When we have more mental clarity, feel stronger, and have more energy we are able to learn more about the unique mission the Lord has placed on our hearts. The Lord has made you for a purpose, friend. And the level of impact your able to make depends on how you take care of that temple of the Holy Spirit you are working with! So stop putting up with less than ideal. Let’s get healthy and change the world!