Health and Hormones

A Divine Mercy Nutritional Care Podcast

Do you ever wonder why some weeks you feel like you can conquer the world?

Why shopping is fun and you want to be with ALL the people?

And other times you just want to crawl in a hole?

Be alone or just have an intimate gathering?

Did you know? It has everything to do with your hormones and where you are at in your monthly cycle!!

There is so much you can do to support your body, and hormonal health, by syncing your food, workouts, and social life with your cycle!

Cycle syncing is what we should have been taught when we first learned about our periods!

Sometimes hormones cause us to feel great, sometimes not so great! 

Your hormones shift throughout the month and you can anticipate those shifts.

Listening and working with your body is the key to learning to support your natural hormones!

But you don’t just have to suffer through those hormonal shifts.

God has given women a natural monthly rhythm in their bodies. Let's learn to listen to it and work cooperatively with it.

This is what Cycle Syncing is all about!

Rita will teach you how to work with instead of against your hormones!


In this
Cycle Syncing Workshop!

What you will get when you sign up?

Attachments that you can print out to visually walk you through how to uniquely support your cycle throughout the month.

A series of 5 emails breaking down each week of your cycle and walking you through how you can support your hormones best at that time! 

AND an opportunity to email Rita your questions! In the 5th day of the email series Rita will answer the questions you have about cycle syncing!

Too often women feel at a loss by their hormones!

But there is so much we can do to support them.

Timing workouts

Making social plans

Scheduling projects

even planning out when is the best time to run errands for the month!

All of these intentional shifts allow for us to be more aware of how we can support our bodies and be gentler and more loving to ourselves!

It is putting on our oxygen mask before helping others!

Join me in learning the how to! 

I'll see you there!!