Women know their period is telling them something...
But we seldom know what that something is. Questions out number answers. Health problems feel heavy, anxiety looms, and we feel stuck? When the only answer we are given is the pill then we start to wonder, should we take the pill for medical reasons?
The lack of knowledge and sheer amount of confusion is why I created the
Cycle Care Companion
This self paced program gives you information on how to support
Heavy Menstrual flows
PMS symptoms
Dizzy, lightheaded, or passing out
Missing or irregular cycles
Painful periods
This program helps you understand what causes these symptoms AND what you can do to manage symptoms and support your overall health!
When you buy the Cycle Care Companion you'll get...
7 self paced module
-Video and audio file format
-To download or print at your convienence
Charting and cycle support
-To get you started working with instead of against your body!